Agilent, a renowned manufacturer of versatile industry equipment across sectors like drug discovery, food safety, and energy, faced challenges in clarifying its software capabilities amid market complexities.
Forma was enlisted to streamline Agilent’s diverse software offerings. Our thorough research uncovered widespread confusion regarding Agilent’s brand identity and software functionalities.
Utilizing our proprietary diagnostic approach, we identified critical issues and devised a tailored strategy. This included crafting a distinct market position and selecting an archetype to set Agilent apart in a competitive arena. Forma introduced a fresh design language and created an animated illustration showcasing the expansive capabilities of Agilent’s software across various industries.
This illustration became pivotal in targeted campaigns aimed at enhancing awareness of Agilent’s unique software features. Our solution effectively addressed key sales and marketing objectives: clarity in messaging, increased engagement, strategic alignment, and adaptability across diverse markets.
We developed a structured messaging framework and a visual diagram to clearly articulate the benefits of Agilent’s OpenLAB suite to different audiences and sectors. This empowered Agilent to customize their messaging according to specific market segments and channels.
As a result, Agilent successfully repositioned itself with a compelling narrative and effective sales tools, strengthening its foothold in the competitive market landscape.